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​A new brand for local public transport in Udine

Udine, 29 September – SAF Autoservizi, already part of the Arriva Group which holds 60% of the shares and part  as well  ​of the TPL FVG consortium, changes its name to “Arriva Udine”.
“This is a historic change – says Angelo Costa, CEO of Arriva Italia and President of Arriva Udine – which confirms our desire to consolidate our presence in Udine. Our connection with the territory is solid, and investments in innovation and improvement of the service will continue : these are the two key points of the Group’s strategy”.
SAF joined the Arriva Group in 2004 and since then its governance scheme based on a public-private partnership structure remained unchanged, and is confirmed as an efficiency model and a successful strategy that the Group has also implemented in other realities in which it operates in partnership with public authorities.
Furthermore, with the launch of the new contract of the TPL FVG consortium, more medium to long-term investments will be done and the Group confirms its commitment to invest in an increasingly efficient and innovative service.
“The name changes but our very soul remains the same – specifies Aniello Semplice, CEO of Arriva Udine, Trieste Trasporti and TPL FVG – integrating the values ​​of an important local reality with those of a multinational at the top of the mobility sector in Europe. Quality and sustainability, environmental and economic, innovation and attention to the needs of the territory, are the key point of our strategy”.
“With this decision by SAF, which for every Friulian has always been synonymous with public transport, to change its historic name to Arriva Udine – said the Mayor of Udine, Pietro Fontanini – we are going to inaugurate a new season that will be marked by an ever greater attention to the quality of the service and by an even closer and more virtuous relationship with our territory. I am sure that, as happened for SAF, Arriva Udine will be recognised as the transport company of the city for many years to come”.